Your Personalized Picks
Articles selected to keep you inspired and informed!
Your Personalized Picks
Articles selected to keep you inspired and informed!
Once upon a time, Jack (fictional character of course, I don’t want to offend the real person) was told by his dad, “Son, listen well, even if you don’t like the person who tells you things.” Jack, being a nice…
How often do we find ourselves having somebody else to do our work? This may happen for various reasons such as: not having enough time to do the task ourselves, we’re not in the right time or the right place…
How often do we found ourselves reading or hearing these two sentences? Very often probably, such messages can be found on billboard as a slogan for some companies or uttered many times as a word of wisdom from our parents…
Planning, a word that is troublesome in some organization. Some believe that it is the quintessential thing to do before starting an activity. Others think that it is a waste of time that only has an insignificant outcome towards their…
A company would undoubtedly consists of many brilliant people that in turns, yields a lot of brilliant plans. A well planned strategic movement to tap into a potentially billion dollar market sounds like music to the ear of stakeholders. But…
Where is the next step We were a children once, one of the most common activities that children does is imagining things. They have such hunger for new things in their growing mind. One of the best things to do…
Norm and value, how often do these two things got mixed up? Let’s find out, written below are remarks for respective context. “Waiting in line for a cup of coffee at a café,” and “being respectful to others.” One of…
“ On Tuesday, July 12, 2016 both Former US President George W. Bush and US President Barack Obama delivered their memorial service speeches for the five police officers killed in Dallas shooting. I find both speeches complement each other in…
“ “Ensuring the Strategic Planning Not Telling Us the Big Lie.” – Theodore S. Pribadi, Partner & Advisor, éclat Consulting Roger Martin, who is a professor at and former dean of the Rotman School of Management shocked the…
One of the challenges that we faced during the implementation phase of a corporate values, was the customs that clung to employees ever since the day this particular client’s company founded. Not all the of the norms that they had…
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