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Supervision at Workplace to Enforce Change

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One of the challenges that we faced during the implementation phase of a corporate values, was the customs that clung to employees ever since the day this particular client’s company founded. Not all the of the norms that they had were in line with the intended to be implemented corporate values. One of the negative norms that our client had was their Supervisors’ incapability to monitor and maintain their subordinates’ discipline, from the simplest matter such as cleanliness, to a more significant matter such as tardiness.

The Supervisors’ ignorant behavior had been left untouched by the company for an immensely long period of time, thus making this bad habit a fairly “standard” behavior in their working environment. In order to diminish this bad habit, éclat Consulting deployed a program called “Working Environment Monitoring,” a program that required all of the Supervisors and the Staffs alike to increase the quality of their working environment standard according to the implemented corporate values; using tools that we have provided. The results of this program were displayed during their monthly meeting sessions, allowing every person, every department, and every director to view their results relative to the other.

When the results were starting to worsen across all departments, éclat Consulting decided to implement a penalty system, where the department that neglected the implemented corporate values was penalized with a green card, yellow card, or red card, according to the severity of the violation. The implementation of penalty system lessen the burden on the Directors to directly monitor and measure their employees’ compliance to the implemented corporate values, and decreased the violation rate; due to the Supervisors shunned to see a red mark on their report. The mechanism of green card, yellow card, and red card becomes a management tool that helped our client to clearly measure their departments’ compliance to the corporate values.

With the Working Environment Monitoring program, the Supervisors were given a chance to become a role model to build a clean and efficient working environment. This program also enlightened the Staffs that they themselves were building and realizing the corporate values.

From this experience, we learned that everything can be managed, as long as we implement a clear, accurate, measurable goals with good scoring method. We also learned that in order to make a change, it is essential to make a smaller, simpler, and fundamental changes first, before the big change that we and our clients desire comes true. “Start small, start now!”

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